An original fragment of Concorde aircraft, restored and presented on a sculptural base that is bold yet elegant.

Client Partner

Orange Aero

Project Title

iCon for Concorde

A celebration of British engineering history.

When aero-engine specialists acquired the nose cone rescued from the iconic Concorde prototype they contacted Sebastian, who had history with the aircraft, having worked on the design of BA’s Concorde passenger experience and interior design. From the resulting conversations came a plan to create a piece of sculpture repurposing the Concorde nose that would celebrate the intersection of art and technology.

Presenting Aeronautical Design as an Art Form

The resulting art piece was inspired by sonic waves that the aircraft would have made by surfing the earth’s atmosphere at over Mach II. Fabricated from five tonnes of polished stainless steel, burr walnut, and bronze, the sculpture is over seven metres long. The sculptural form swivels on an Olympus main bearing and shows the nose tilted, as it would have been on take-off.